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(25 resources)
This course, created by Kathleen Perillo and Bill Monroe of Clark College, combines environmental science and math in a project-based, group-oriented class. Interpretation and analysis of graphs and models are...
The National Energy Technology Lab supports research on clean uses of fossil fuels, energy efficiency, and fuel cells. Fact sheets, technical reports, and journal publications can be downloaded from this site. Also some...
The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization coordinates the funds, personnel, and technological strengths of both the public and private sectors in Japan. NEDO's activities include the development...
The New Mexico Solar Energy Association provides valuable educational resources for teaching students about solar energy. The site has a variety of student projects, resources, and curricula examples. The resources...
The Engineering Science and Technology Division (ESTD), one of 12 research divisions at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is home to the Buildings Technology Center (BTC), which is "devoted to developing technologies...
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