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Title: ORNL: Building Envelopes Program
Url: http://web.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/
Publisher: Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Description: The Engineering Science and Technology Division (ESTD), one of 12 research divisions at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, is home to the Buildings Technology Center (BTC), which is "devoted to developing technologies that improve the energy efficiency and environmental compatibility of residential and commercial buildings." This website highlights the BTC's "building envelopes" research program. Given that the building envelope "provides the thermal barrier between the indoor and outdoor environment," research in this field must address the structural elements that enclose a building (walls, roofs and foundations), and the materials within the envelope systems (such as insulation). A fact sheet (which is best viewed with Internet Explorer or downloaded as a pdf) describes the research program and offers links to some of ORNL's design and simulation tools and standards. The Research Programs section provides more detailed information about the group's research in building structure and materials. Other useful resources on energy-efficient building envelope systems include handbooks, fact sheets, interactive calculators, articles, links to other websites, and the Hotbox Test R-value Database, which describes several wall technologies (such as Log House Systems and Steel Frame) and provides test data for each, as well as information on related research projects in wall technologies.
LC Classification: Technology -- Building construction -- Systems of building construction -- Insulation and insulating materials
Technology -- Mechanical engineering and machinery -- Energy conservation
Technology -- Mechanical engineering and machinery -- Energy conservation -- Energy conservation or consumption in special industries, facilities, etc., A-Z -- Buildings
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Engineering
Resource Type: Dataset
Reference Material
Dataset -- List/Table
Format: Document -- PDF
Application -- Java
Language: English
Rights: http://www.ornl.gov/sci/roofs+walls/disclaimers.htm
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 13
Resource URL Clicks: 27
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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