The Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) is a nonprofit organization of concerned scientists, environmentalists, public interest advocates and innovative technology companies. CEERT advocates...
The Energy Facility Contractors Group (EFCG) is a volunteer organization composed of Department of Energy (DOE) contractors working together to improve the cost effectiveness of DOE operations by promoting, coordinating,...
The Georgia Tech Strategic Energy Initiative's mission is "to actively engage in and facilitate energy technology development, assessments, demonstration projects, and policy guidance based on scientific facts,...
The ILSR offers a vision of sustainable, self-reliant cities and promotes energy conservation as a key player in urban economic development. A national organization, its work is informed by projects in communities and...
Texas A&M University's Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL) is a division of the Texas Engineering Experiment Station and is affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the College of Architecture. The...
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