This case study looks at an animal model in the study of Alzheimer's disease. Students will identify which components of the scientific method are used in the case. The lesson may be used in a variety of science courses,...
This webpage offers a doctoral dissertation in which the author proposes a theoretical framework to analyze and describe students' mathematical thinking in physics. The author addresses two particular questions. What are...
In August 2001 the Secretaries of Agriculture and the Interior joined the Western Governors' Association, National Association of State Foresters, National Association of Counties, and the Intertribal Timber Council to...
This paper focuses on how states can better align postsecondary education with their economic needs, which will position them to compete in the global economy by producing a highly-skilled workforce and by unleashing...
This page from the Support Center for Microsystems Education features a learning module on scale: macro, micro and nano. The material is intended as a background for students learning about nanotechnology and...
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