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Title: A Compact for Postsecondary Education PDF
Url: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED497525.pdf
Publisher: National Governors' Association
Description: This paper focuses on how states can better align postsecondary education with their economic needs, which will position them to compete in the global economy by producing a highly-skilled workforce and by unleashing postsecondary education institutions’ power to innovate. A truly innovative postsecondary system must do the following: 1. Foster among its graduates the critical skills and capabilities needed to enhance state economic competitiveness. 2. Produce a well-qualified K–12 teacher corps that is highly skilled in the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) disciplines. 3. Create new knowledge by investing in research and development(R&D) and by establishing policies that facilitate the translation of new ideas into innovative products, processes, and services. The report also introduces a new vehicle for aligning postsecondary education to state economies—the postsecondary education compact. Through the compact, state governments, the postsecondary education system, the Boards of Regents, and the private sector collaboratively embrace a public agenda to ensure that postsecondary education policies, programs, curricula, and resources address current, emerging, and future economic realities.
LC Classification: Education -- Special aspects of education -- Education extension. Adult education. Continuing education -- Special topics, A-Z -- Teacher training
Education -- Special aspects of education -- Types of education -- Vocational education (General)
Education -- Theory and practice of education -- Secondary education. High school teaching -- Curriculum
Science -- Science (General) -- History -- Study and teaching. Research
GEM Subject: Science -- Instructional issues
Resource Type: Reference Material
Instructional Material
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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