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(3 classifications) (26 resources)

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Conservation of energy (7)
Energy transfer (13)
Work (11)



It's one thing to learn about physics in a lab, but it can be quite another thing to make a pilgrimage to an amusement park to take in the laws of physics. Users will have to supply their own corn dogs and popcorn, but...
This interactive presentation, created by authors James Bourassa and John Rosz, explains how the input of force reacts with lever systems. The authors address the physics behind levers, and how when proper angles are...
In this study, presented at the 2002 Physics Education Research Conference, the author discusses results of a study in which university students in a physics course for pre-service elementary school teachers answered a...
This is an English translation of the 1905 article by Albert Einstein that establishes the relation between the mass and energy of a particle. The article was published in the book The Principle of Relativity and...
If you thought Electric Motorboat Drag Racing was the name of a hip new band, you would be wrong. However, if you thought a moment and decided it might be a useful online hands-on physics project for students you would...
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