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This fantastic resource for college-level students of chemistry provides abundant images and explanatory text on molecules and molecular systems. The site's main provider is Richard Catlow, Director of the Davy Faraday...
The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) has many accolades to its credit, not the least being their work on sequencing the human genome. They have made substantial contributions to every sector of genomic...
Restriction mapping is a cornerstone of modern-day biotechnology. During this three-day exercise, students will digest samples of DNA with three different restriction enzymes. The DNA samples will be electrophoresed...
This Science at NASA article reports the ability of the halophilic bacteria Halobacterium to survive lethal doses of radiation, extreme dryness, and the vacuum of space. Potential applications for industry,...
Gel Electrophoresis, designed and run by the University of Utah, is an interactive program that allows the student to learn and practice basic techniques that molecular biologists use every day. This program is an...
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