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(22 classifications) (8 resources)

Classifications (LC)
Analytical chemistry (116)
Biography of chemists (2)
Chemistry as a profession. Vocational guidance (2)
Communication of chemical information (12)
Crystallography (21)
Dictionaries (2)
Directories (3)
Elementary textbooks (3)
Encyclopedias (2)
General works, treatises, and advanced textbooks (5)
Handbooks, tables, formulas, etc. (6)
History (4)
Inorganic chemistry (15)
Laboratories (49)
Nomenclature, terminology, notation, abbreviations (1)
Organic chemistry (108)
Periodicals, societies, congresses, serial publications (17)
Philosophy (1)
Physical and theoretical chemistry (147)
Recreations, home experiments, etc. (2)
Special topics, A-Z (12)
Study and teaching. Research (143)



This case study aims to connect basic chemistry concepts with real world examples in daily life. The topics covered include boiling point, chemical reaction rate, and the conservation of energy. The lesson is intended...
Materials for Precalculus, Differential Calculus, Integral Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, and Engineering Math, with application areas in biology, chemistry, economics,...
Chemistry has applications in many diverse fields from astronomy to zoology. With new applications emerging, it is the job of Chemical and Engineering News (CEN), a publication of the American Chemical Society, to report...
This lesson provides an introduction to the occurrence and possible risks of household chemical products. Topics include some basic chemistry (how elements combine to form compounds), how chemicals are classified, and...
It can be tricky to remember the position of lanthanides within the periodic table of elements, but this interactive feature from Annenberg Media's "Interactive" series will keep students in the know about those...
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