(2 classifications)
(9 resources)
This NASA site features color satellite photographs of the Gulf of Mexico dead zone. The site shows pictures of the Gulf of Mexico region in natural colors as well as on a scale of different chlorophyll concentrations. ...
The SeaWIFS project uses space technology to study phytoplankton. Site contains: The Living Ocean Teacher's Guide, a guide for grades 9-10 that discusses satellites, ocean color, phytoplankton, the carbon cycle, and...
This website features the Southeast Phytoplankton Monitoring Network, an organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding of harmful blooms by way of volunteer monitoring. Volunteers are instructed on algae...
This is a student activity regarding phytoplankton blooms and their effects on the ecosystem. Students will obtain and analyze data on the variables that influence the spring phytoplankton bloom from buoy monitoring...
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