Originally created by Bjorn Fogelberg, electronic musician and programmer from Sweden, this impressive and well-organized resource should appeal to any programmer, with tons of downloadable files and related links. The...
Alice is a teaching tool for introductory computing and for teaching problem solving and sequencing skills. This downloadable software offers an innovative 3-D programming environment that makes it easy to create an...
Bringing together stakeholders from governmental, technological, and nonprofit sectors, All You Need is Code hopes to "promote coding and computational thinking," in formal and informal settings. The site curates coding...
Amanogawa has authored this website featuring interactive java applications and tutorials for transmission lines, electromagnetic waves, linear antennas, circuits, signal integrity and EMC/EMI. The applications are...
Although it is labeled as an introduction to PC game programming, the tutorials given on Atrevida additionally cover many aspects of mathematics and general computer science. A modest background in the C language is...
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