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Title: Chem1 Virtual Textbook PDF
Url: http://www.chem1.com/acad/webtext/virtualtextbook.html
Creator: Lower, Stephen
Publisher: Simon Fraser University
Description: Chemistry serves as a fundamental discipline for those who will go on to careers in everything from medicine to nutrition and it is important for students of this science to have a wide range of resources at their disposal. One rather useful online resource is this virtual textbook for general chemistry created and updated by Professor Stephen Lower of Simon Fraser University. Visitors to the site can dive right in by reading an introduction titled "What is Chemistry all about, anyway?", and then proceed through a very well-structured set of chapters dedicated to the basics of atoms, equations, chemical energetics and other topics that would be typically covered in such a course. The site is rounded out by a good set of links to related interactive chemistry tutorials and exercises.
LC Classification: Science -- Chemistry -- General works, treatises, and advanced textbooks
Science -- Chemistry -- Study and teaching. Research
Science -- Chemistry -- Study and teaching. Research -- Laboratory manuals
Science -- Chemistry -- Study and teaching. Research -- Outlines, syllabi
Science -- Chemistry -- Study and teaching. Research -- Problems, exercises, examinations
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Chemistry
Science -- Instructional issues
Format: Document -- PDF
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Upper Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Vocational/Professional Development Education
Language: English
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 40
Resource URL Clicks: 30
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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