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Title: International Chromium Development Association
Url: https://www.icdacr.com/
Publisher: International Chromium Development Association
Description: This professional organization works to promote the chromium industry, from mining and production to industry and health. The site provides abundant information about the properties, sources and uses for chromium. Graphs and text explain the global distribution of chromite ore and its primary industrials uses including stainless steel and metallurgy, cement, leather tanning, timber and paint. The site also features information about the effects of chromium on health and its uses as a dietary supplement.
LC Classification: Social sciences -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Industries. Land use. Labor -- Special industries and trades -- Mineral industries. Metal trade -- Particular metals -- Other nonferrous metals -- Particular metals, A-Z -- Chromium
Technology -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering -- Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) -- Materials of engineering and construction -- Special materials -- Metals -- Special metals, including their alloys, A-Z -- Chromium
Technology -- Mining engineering. Metallurgy -- Mining engineering. Metallurgy -- Metallurgy -- Metallography. Physical metallurgy -- Special metals, A-Z -- Chromium
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Chemistry
Science -- Earth science
Science -- Geology
Science -- Physical sciences
Resource Type: Collection
Format: Document -- HTML
Education Level: Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional
Language: English
Rights: International Chromium Development Association
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: DLESE
Full Record Views: 7
Resource URL Clicks: 31
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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