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Title: Interactive Investigator
Url: https://www.digitalmuseums.ca/vmc-decommissioned/
Publisher: Virtual Museum of Canada
Description: Interactive Investigator, available through Virtual Museum Canada, is a website "for anyone with an interest in the different scientific methods used to solve crimes." Users will find a database of forensic science, containing short but informative essays on forensic entomology, toxicology, alcohol analysis, and various other forensic science topics. A simple timeline reviews key dates in the development of forensics, starting with the creation of the Paris Institute for Forensic Science in 1868. But the main feature (and the most fun) is an interactive game, in which players collect and analyze crime scene clues to solve a murder case. Interactive Investigator is also available in French.
LC Classification: Medicine -- Public aspects of medicine -- Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicine -- Death determination and certification -- Medicolegal investigation of death. Forensic pathology. Autopsy -- Forensic entomology
Medicine -- Public aspects of medicine -- Forensic medicine. Medical jurisprudence. Legal medicine -- Forensic genetics
Medicine -- Public aspects of medicine -- Toxicology -- Study and teaching
Social sciences -- Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology -- Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology -- Criminal justice administration -- Police. Detectives. Constabulary -- Administration and organization -- Special topics, A-Z -- Crime analysis
Social sciences -- Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology -- Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology -- Criminal justice administration -- Police. Detectives. Constabulary -- Police duty. Methods of protection -- Investigation of crimes. Examination and identification of prisoners -- General works. Identification of persons. Forensic chemistry
GEM Subject: Science
Science -- Biological and life sciences
Science -- General science
Social studies
Social studies -- Sociology
Social studies -- Informal education
Social studies -- Criminology
Social studies -- Human behavior
Resource Type: Dataset
Reference Material
Audio/Visual -- Sound
Instructional Material
Audio/Visual -- Movie/Animation
Instructional Material -- Interactive Simulation
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: High School
Higher Education -- Undergraduate (Lower Division)
Higher Education -- Technical Education (Lower Division)
Language: English
Rights: CHIN / RCIP
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 498
Resource URL Clicks: 207
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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