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Title: The Molecularium Project
Url: https://www.molecularium.com
Publisher: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Description: The Molecularium seeks to "excite audiences of all ages to explore and understand the molecular nature of the world around them." Based at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Nanotechnology Center, the project has designed several shows for domes and planetariums, including Molecules to the Max! for 3D screens. In addition, the project's website offers several tools that will be useful to educators. Nanospace, a web-based virtual theme park designed for students between first and eighth grade, utilizes games, activities, and short animations to provide an entertaining learning environment for children to explore the atomic world. In addition, under the Educators tab, teachers will find a Guide to NanoSpace that includes an overview of the games and attractions. Downloadable resources, such as a Teacher's Resource Guide to the Molecularium Project, are also available.
LC Classification: Science -- Chemistry -- Physical and theoretical chemistry -- Models of atoms, molecules, or chemical compounds
Technology -- Chemical technology -- Biotechnology -- Processes, operations, and techniques -- Special, A-Z -- Nanotechnology
GEM Subject: Science -- General science
Key Concept: Chemistry -- Molecules
Date Issued: 2005
Resource Type: Instructional Material
Instructional Material -- Interactive Simulation
Audience: Educator
Language: English
Rights: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 1
Resource URL Clicks: 26
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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