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Title: Reviewing 2004 in Technology
Alternate Title: MSNBC: The Year in Technology Technology Research News Top Picks
Url: https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna6763002
Publisher: MSNBC
Description: As is common with the end of another year, recent media coverage includes several articles reviewing what happened in 2004. These two articles review technology in 2004. The first article from MSNBC provides a general overview of some of the issues covered in the media throughout the year, including biometrics, broadband, spam, viruses, and the iPod. The second article highlights the Top Picks from Technology Research News (TRN). The article reviews just a few of a long list of scientific and technological research papers published in 2004. The key research areas of 2004 include notable advances in biotechnology, communications, computing, engineering, energy, security, nanotechnology, applied physics and the Internet. Each area is discussed briefly and links are provided to related articles from TRN.
LC Classification: Social sciences -- Sociology (General) -- Sociology -- Social change -- Causes -- Technological innovations. Technology -- Information technology. Information society
GEM Subject: Social studies
Social studies -- Technology and civilization
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Language: English
Rights: msnbc.com
Access Rights: Free access
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Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 3
Resource URL Clicks: 4
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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