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Title: Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Url: https://djo.harvard.edu/index.php/djo
Publisher: Harvard Medical School
Description: The Digital Journal of Ophthalmology (DJO) is a peer reviewed journal based at Harvard University designed to serve as "a valuable resource for ophthalmologists, other health care providers, vision scientists, and patients throughout the world." On the site's homepage, visitor can look over Grand Rounds, Original Articles, and Case Reports. The Grand Rounds area brings together reports from the world of ophthalmology, which can be most useful to those in the field. The site also contains a range of editorials, and visitors are encouraged to register with the DJO to receive personalized updates. The Knowledge Review section provides a series of quizzes for ophthalmologists on relevant topics such as glaucoma or pathology. Finally, the Patient Information area contains materials for laypeople on topics such as laser vision correction.
LC Classification: Medicine -- Ophthalmology -- Periodicals. Societies. Serials
Medicine -- Ophthalmology -- Research. Experimentation
Medicine -- Ophthalmology -- Vision disorders. Blindness
GEM Subject: Health -- Body systems and senses
Resource Type: Reference Material
Format: Document -- HTML
Audience: Educator
Education Level: Higher Education
Higher Education -- Graduate/Professional
Language: English
Rights: Digital Journal of Ophthalmology
Access Rights: Free access
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Source Type: Internet Scout
Source: Scout Archives
Full Record Views: 12
Resource URL Clicks: 19
Cumulative Rating: NOT YET RATED
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