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This lab, presented by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network, teaches students which patients, from a variety of samples, have diabetes. Students will measure "...the glucose concentration of several...
In this lab students will study nanoparticles, specifically dilutions of gold and silver. Students will study brine shrimp and explore "...the effects of exposing living organisms to different nanoparticles at various...
This resource, developed by Khan Academy, allows students to test their math skills by answering questions concerning linear equations that are "more than abstract concepts and exercises." This problem set within the...
This resource, developed by Khan Academy, allows students to test their math skills by answering questions concerning linear equations that are "more than abstract concepts and exercises." This problem set within the...
This resource, developed by Khan Academy, allows students to test their math skills by answering questions concerning linear equations that are "more than abstract concepts and exercises." This problem set within the...
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