Developed by the Industry Supports Education initiative (ISE), this website allows teenagers to take part in an online debate about how to cope with nuclear waste and whether and how nuclear power should be used in the...
This home page for the Dendrology program at Virginia Tech is a great resource for those interested in woody plants. In addition to the set of fact sheets on over 450 tree species and fall color photos for many species,...
This webpage, created by Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc., features a stock photographs of microscopic bacteria. Some of these immature bobtail squid, dog tapeworm proglottid, tapeworm proglottids, sheep liver fluke,...
This news article details a red tide event that was spread across the Atlantic by a combination of storms in the Sahara Desert region and easterly trade winds that spread fertilized or nutrient overloaded soils to the...
Web page highlingts the microbe Desulfitobacterium. Thess microbes can anaerobicaly dehalogenate both aromatic and alkyl chlorinated compounds. Compounds including chlorinated phenols, chlorinated ethenes and ...
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