Paul Ward, the designer of this site, spent over two years in Antarctica as a marine biologist with the British Antarctic Survey. Currently a teacher at a community college in Britain, Ward decided to develop this site...
Part of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Information System (CoRIS), this Web site is "designed to be a single point of access to NOAA coral reef information and data products, especially...
A Cornell Lab of Ornithology creation, this All About Birds website provides birders with a wealth of resources. The website features a first-rate online bird guide with photos, songs and calls, range maps, and...
The Patuxent Wildlife Research Center has placed online this entire (1996) textbook entitled Cranes: Their Biology, Husbandry, and Conservation. Edited by David Ellis, George Gee, and Claire Mirande, the textbook...
The Crash Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks is not a comprehensive resource, but it provides a good overview of many aspects of the topic. Beginning with a discussion of biological processes in the brain, the...
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