The MadSci Network, offered through Washington University Medical School in St. Louis, offers a fascinating tour of the human body using digitized images generated by the National Library of Medicine's Visible Human...
What is a "funny bone"? What do bicycles, footballs, and space shuttles have in common? These are but a few of the intriguing questions explored by the "A Moment of Science" radio program. Based at Indiana University,...
Optimization has roots in operations research, and this collection of tutorials from IFORS Educational Research Committee covers many topics within OR. A fun applet requires the user to place as many queens on a chess...
ATETV continues to produce excellent web-based videos spotlighting advanced technical careers and educational programs. This video, part of the From High School to College series, focuses on a project that helps...
The ATETV project delivers web-based videos to connect students to careers in advanced technology. This episode of ATETV features the work of a demonstration engineer for Cisco Systems. This dynamic career is explained...
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