"The world's brightest pulsed neutron and muon source located at the UK Rutherford Appleton Laboratory," ISIS "supports an international community of around 1600 scientists who use neutrons and muons for research in...
Provided by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, State Health Facts discloses important health and health policy information for all fifty states and US territories. Data are divided into ten categories -- demographics...
Located in Manhattan, Kansas, Kansas State University is well-known for their various agricultural outreach programs, and their Herbarium is a fascinating place for botanists and the general public. For those who can't...
A participant in the U.S. space program since the 1950s, the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado conducts research in atmospheric and planetary sciences, develops space...
Zhongwen.com is a valuable online resource for individuals just beginning to learn Chinese, as well as those who want to learn more. The site contains the complete on line text of "Chinese Character: A Genealogy and...
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