Get involved with this non-profit organization dedicated to the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay. Site contains descriptions of its programs plus an online version of their newsletter, Bay Journal. Also features...
The USDA's National Agricultual Library provides access to a wide array of resources pertaining to alternative farming methods, including organic food production, sustainable agriculture, and community supported...
This site contains the following categories of information related to sustainable agriculture: Bibliographies of articles and research publications, searchable sites and databases, educational resources for elementary,...
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) is an umbrella group of 66 Alzheimer associations throughout the world. The ADI website provides contact information for numerous Alzheimer associations located in such nations as...
Amanogawa has authored this website featuring interactive java applications and tutorials for transmission lines, electromagnetic waves, linear antennas, circuits, signal integrity and EMC/EMI. The applications are...
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