One name looms large for the general public when the word "evolution" is mentioned: Charles Darwin. Of course, others are quite aware that Alfred Russel Wallace co-discovered the theory of evolution with Darwin, a fact...
This series of videos, created by Salman Khan of the Khan Academy, features topics covered from very basic algebra all the way through algebra II. This is the best algebra playlist to start at if you've never seen...
More than 50 "informal notes" by Kevin Brown on algebra. Kummer's Objection; irreducibility criteria, multiple linear regression, string algebra, characteristic polynomial of a matrix, iterated means, sums of powers,...
This series of videos contains 180 Worked Algebra I examples (problems written by the Monterey Institute of Technology and Education). You should look at the "Algebra" playlist if you've never seen algebra before or if...
Algebra.help is an online resource designed to help people learn algebra. It offers lessons to teach or refresh old skills, calculators that show how to solve problems step-by-step, and interactive worksheets for testing...
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