Activity-Based Physics aims to sustain and enhance efforts to render introductory physics courses more effective and exciting at both the secondary and college level. It uses the outcomes of physics education research...
This Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) activity explores the controversy over whether or not there is life on Mars. Part of the Mysteries of Deep Space Program that originally aired in April 1997, the activity includes...
ADA Online, from the American Dental Association (ADA), includes resources for professionals, patients, and students. The site contains membership information, ADA publications and position papers, research and...
This page, created by Ino Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, provides links to distribution calculators, conceptual demonstration applets, statistical tables, online data analysis packages, function and...
Through its extensive interactive website, educational programming, shows, exhibits, planetarium, online science, research and collections, the Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum aims to inspire the next generation...
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