The applets, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allow you to see how different bivariate data look under different correlation structures. The "Movie" applet either creates data for a particular...
In this game activity, students match correlation values with plots generated by the applet. Competition in this game setting encourages students to become more involved in the classroom and attainment of learning...
Persons with a penchant for benzene rings, organic chemistry, and other related matters will find the Creative Chemistry a welcome addition to their references. The site collects hundreds of worksheets, teaching notes,...
The applet, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allows for simple data analysis of univariate data. Users can either generate normal or uniform data for k samples or copy and paste data from another...
This brief interactive activity, by Electromechanical Digital Library and Wisconsin Technical College System faculty members Mark Puig and Amy Bodoh, illustrates how information travels from one computer to another via...
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