This applet, created by Ivo Dinov of the University of California at Berkeley, introduces the concept of confidence intervals. Select an alpha level, sample size, and the number of experiments, and click "Play." For...
The applets in this section of Statistical Java allow you to see how levels of confidence are achieved through repeated sampling. The confidence intervals are related to the probability of successes in a Binomial...
A discussion of the history of conic sections, one of the oldest math subjects studied systematically and thoroughly, with a description, formulas, properties, a proof, Mathematica notebooks, the ellipse seen as a...
These applets, created by Virginia Tech's Department of Statistics, allow you to see how the common Xbar control chart is constructed with known variance. The Xbar chart is constructed by collecting a sample of size n at...
This applet lets you take "slices" through a multivariate data set to compare the distribution of a variable without regard for the values of the other variables with the distribution of that variable when the value of...
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