"Where did everything come from?" This is a big question, so it is only fitting that the answer is found in the Big History Project. This free online course, designed for high school students, takes learners on a journey...
This Binomial applet allows the user to adjust the n and the p and see the resulting histogram. There is also an option to overlay the normal distribution over the histogram. The "area from" and "to" scrollbars and text...
The page will calculate the following: exact binomial probabilities, approximation via the normal distribution, approximation via the poisson distribution. This page will calculate and/or estimate binomial probabilities...
Working with funding from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a team of students and professors at Kenyon College has created a set of great educational resources for people interested in molecular biology. On the site,...
This site includes an interactive Java applet for control systems. Users may drag open-loop corner frequencies with the mouse to improve tracking performance and reject sensor noise in a unity-feedback system.
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