Radio-Locator is a comprehensive database of radio stations throughout the United States and Canada. Stations can be searched by location and format, or even more specifically with the site's advanced search. Users can...
In this set of video lectures given in 1979 by Nobel prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, Feynman presents not only a lesson in basic physics but also a deep insight into the approach of the 17th century physicist,...
This radio broadcast explores the history of and evidence for the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis (AAH), an idea about human evolution developed 45 years ago by Sir Alister Hardy. The origin of physical characteristics that set...
This website, from the Exploratorium, reviews the aerodynamics of cycling. Wind resistance is often one of the biggest challenges that professional and amateur cyclists face. This site has a form that lets you...
Biology operates at two levels: the large scale which we can see and the underlying microscopic one. This video lecture describes how intermolecular forces cause protein arrays to self-assemble, enabling nature to...
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