The Dolan DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory presents this multi-faceted educational Web site as part of the online feature "Genetic Origins: The study of human evolution begins with your own DNA." The...
This capstone activity uses the results of the Home Energy Audit and the Home Energy Analysis activities to investigate how changes in lifestyle affect the amount of energy used in the home. Students will listen to a...
This video lecture uses satellite-mounted instruments, ship surveys and computer modeling studies of the workings of the marine environment to explore oceanography and current fish supplies worldwide. There is discussion...
As Alan Lomax recorded the sounds of hundreds of different indigenous musical traditions throughout his sixty-year career as a musicologist, the legendary Jacques-Yves Cousteau did similar work throughout the world’s...
Charles Darwin defined natural selection in "On the Origin of Species," however, Darwin did not invent the idea of evolution and not everyone saw his ideas as original. The shadow of Lamarckian theory which Darwin wanted...
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