This website contains a collection of computational resources for use in a modern physics class. Maple, Mathematica, and Excel files are provided to introduce students to scientific computation and can be downloaded from...
The National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) is the national repository developed to help states collect standardized medical service data. The primary goal of NEMSIS is to provide a system for EMS...
In this activity, students learn the true nature of the chi-square and F distributions in lecture notes (PowerPoint file) and an Excel simulation. This leads to a discussion of the properties of the two distributions....
This Web page and the related pages linked on the left sidebar provide an abundance of information on controlling emissions from passenger cars and light trucks. This includes consumer information, vehicle standards and...
This course seeks to explain how the exercise of government affects daily lives using statistical analysis and mathematical concepts. In particular, the website provides polling projects wherein students take polls and...
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