The Center for Commercial Applications of Combustion in Space (CCACS) is a NASA / Industry / University space commercialization center based at the Colorado School of Mines (CSM) in Golden, Colorado. CCACS conducts...
This image-rich Micscape Magazine article explores how water bears can be found almost everywhere yet are still unknown to almost everybody, why there are relatively few light microscope photographs of water bears in the...
The website that accompanies PBS's NOVA television series is called NOVA Science Now, and it offers many fun and engaging ways to better understand science and scientists. The Secret Life of Scientists is a web-exclusive...
Created by Richard W. Pogge of Ohio State University, this movie demonstrates trigonometric parallax. The top half of each frame shows the appearance of a star in the sky as seen from the Earth, and the bottom half shows...
This website contains information and pictures used for preparing and performing undergraduate lecture demonstrations. It is one of the educational resources available from the University of California Physics...
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