Although some might fear that limited land resources and the usual development pressures are working to reduce Britain's natural history to footnote status, this website from the Natural History Museum in London...
Impending coral catastrophes, digitally tagged manatees, and natural gas "eating" microbes are but a few of the topics covered between the pages of the magazine "Oceanus". Published by the Woods Hole Oceanographic...
This 30-minute presentation explores nanotechnology and the related career opportunities with experts in the field, and it follows a former Penn College student, Mark A. Atwater, as he completes his education at one of...
Developed at Ohio State University, PlantFacts is the result of the merging of several digital collections on plants. The website is split into five sources of information: a web search engine that deals solely with...
This course, presented by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, introduces students to the modeling, quantification, and analysis of uncertainty. Topics covered include: formulation and solution in sample space-random...
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