In the online article "Snow Microbes Found at the South Pole" BBC news scientific editor David Whitehorse highlights the identification of polar microbes with DNA sequences similar to a category of bacteria known as...
Dr. Gary Kaiser of The Community College of Baltimore County at Catonsville (Maryland) put together this Lecture/ Lab teaching resource on Microbiology. Organized into four units, the main topics in the Lecture Guide...
This Winogradsky column web page is designed to teach undergraduate students a simple model system of nutrient cycling in natural waters. It includes a physical description of the column and explains how the column can...
This website is home of the Quorum Sensing Research Group at the University of Nottingham and aims to be a "one stop shop" for quorum sensing (QS) research. The site includes an overview of the field, links to...
This preliminary research report suggests that Mono Lake supports a robust population of phagotrophic and heterotrophic protozoa in addition to its many species of unicellular algae, including diatoms. It lists...
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