This Web site focuses on "one of the largest and most abundant families of present day insects" -- the Robber Flies. Maintained by Fritz Geller-Grimm of the Museum Wiesbaden in Germany and Cornell University graduate...
This Web site, edited by Mark Swanson, is "a collection of resources related to the fascinating antlion, or doodlebug." In addition to providing general information about antlions, this site contains "videos of antlion...
An excellent resource for entomologists, this Butterflies and Moths of the World website was created by Brian Pitkin and Paul Jenkins of the Natural History Museum in London (NHM). The site was designed "to compile a...
Each year in different parts of the country, the spring season marks the arrival of the Magicicada periodical cicadas. The Magicicada cicadas emerge in great numbers after spending 17 years underground. The following...
Did you know that there are more than 800 known tick species on earth? The following websites provide information about both tick biology and Lyme disease -- a disease transmitted through deer ticks (Ixodes dammini).
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