This web page provides an interview with astrophysicist John Bahcall about his contributions to the solar neutrino theory. The responses present Bahcall’s decades-long quest to understand neutrino emissions from the...
This web page, created by David P. Stern, describes magnetic substorms and storms, their properties, and their relations to charged particle flow and auroras. It includes descriptions of the magnetic field changes in the...
MIT Open Courseware provides free and open resources from a broad range of classes. This Physics collection contains material from physics classes ranging from introductory physics to advanced graduate courses. The...
This resource, created by Michael W. Davidson of Molecular Expressions, is a series of "Powers of Ten" is sequentially displayed, beginning with a square covering 10^23 m on a side and progressing through 10^-16 m on a...
OSP Spins is an interactive computer program that simulates Stern-Gerlach-type measurements on spin-1/2 and spin-1 particles. This package provides the user with a sequence of tutorials and exercises to help them explore...
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