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Artist Bob Miller's "Light Walk" at the Exploratorium is always an eye-opening experience for students and teachers alike. His unique discoveries will change the way you look at light, shadow, and images. The author...
This website from the Exploratorium provides an activity on building a Zoetrope, a device that produces an illusion of action from a rapid succession of still pictures. The site contains written instructions and video...
This site contains an activity demonstrating how one's eyes influence each other and what occurs when two eyes receive conflicting information. The participant looks through a paper tube with only one eye to perform...
This is the Chandra X-ray Observatory photo album website. It begins with an introduction on the electromagnetic spectrum, focusing on X-rays in particular. It also contains information on false color images. The images...
This activity deals with perception by demonstrating how two eyes can see the same thing very differently. A mirror is used to look at a blank wall with one eye and at a person with the other, causing parts of the face...
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