This online textbook by Glenn Elert contains explanations, examples, and practice problems for many topics in introductory physics. These topics include Mechanics, Matter, Thermal Physics, Waves & Optics, Electricity &...
This online textbook teaches the user about how a science project is conceived, funded, and managed. They do this by telling a story about how NASA's High Energy Astronomy Observatory (HEAO) Program executed a science...
For every action there is a reaction, for every plus there is a minus, and for every matter there is well…antimatter. This topic in depth tackles the complex concept of antimatter, from the Big Bang to solar explosions...
This website contains information and pictures used for preparing and performing undergraduate lecture demonstrations. It is one of the educational resources available from the University of California Physics...
The Materials Science and Technology Teacher's Workshop (MAST) provides this activity as an introduction to the physical properties of matter. The objective of this laboratory is to identify different classes of matter...
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