Believed to be approximately 35 million years old, roses have long been admired by humans. Responding to a renaissance in rose-growing popularity, horticulturist Greg Stack of University of Illinois Extension created...
Produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries, Plant Information Online is intended for just about anyone with a green thumb, or those who want to get their thumbs a bit greener. Visitors to this fine database will...
For educators interested in establishing a teaching garden at their school, the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) offers a wonderful online resource to help get started. School Gardening 101 is a free online teaching...
Hosted by The Butterfly Site.com, this site offers a plethora of links covering many aspects of Butterfly Gardens. "A butterfly garden is an easy way to both see more butterflies and to contribute towards their...
The Gardener's Network website offers a wealth of information about a variety of subjects including extensive sections on Flowers, Vegetables, House plants, Lawn Care, and many more. Visitors to the site can learn how...
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