This site, from the University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology, provides a variety of short information entries about periodical cicadas including photos, and song clips. Information about cicada life cycles, broods and...
This summary report of current red tide conditions around Florida includes a map of sampling results and regional status reports. Reports are generally updated on Friday afternoon and additional information, if...
Dr. Thorsten Kraska of the Institute for Plant Diseases at the University of Bonn, Germany, writes, compiles and maintains this meta-site of Internet resources on plant pathology, applied entomology, and related fields....
This Topic in Depth explores some of the diseases and other threats, such as gypsy moths, emerald ash borers, and Asian longhorned beetles that certain trees must contend with to remain healthy and vital.
This website provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service is dedicated to White-Nose Syndrome (WNS). In February 2006 some 40 miles west of Albany, N.Y., a caver photographed hibernating bats with an unusual white...
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