Located in Hagerman and Moscow, Idaho, ARI promotes, supports, and coordinates aquaculture research activities at the University of Idaho and throughout the state and region. UI scientists in various disciplines conduct...
Biology Department of UNE offers B.S. degrees in marine biology and aquaculture and aquarium science at its coastal Maine campus; features classroom, internship, research experiences and opportunities for...
This site describes the University of New England's state-of-the-art facilities for marine education and research and their environmentally friendly "green design." The site includes UNE marine science and environmental...
Located in Gloucester Point, Virginia, VIMS has a three-part mission to conduct interdisciplinary research in coastal ocean and estuarine science, educate students and citizens, and provide advisory service to policy...
This website from the Virginia Sea Grant program includes extensive resources on marine science education. Educator topics include web resources, field trips, classroom activities, professional development opportunities,...
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