The Maritimes magazine, a publication of University of Rhode Island Marine Program, ceased publication after winter 2000. But these online issues, 1994-2000, contain valuable references and provide a historical record of...
This online newsletter archive provides back issues, April 1990 to December 2001, of Marine Notes in downloadable PDF format. Articles cover news of research, education and outreach services of Maryland Sea Grant. Topics...
This Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries website provides health advisories and closures related to seafood consumption and recreational fishing. Links are provided to the Division's programs and projects,...
The Marine Advanced Technology Education Center (MATE) hosts workshops and institutes each summer. The events are intended as professional development activities for college, high school and university faculty. The goals...
Internships are available at the undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate level in Mote's Centers for marine mammal and sea turtle research, shark research, coastal and tropical ecology, fisheries enhancement and...
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