This is an animation of a Schmitt trigger circuit with clean input voltage. Voltages and parts of the circuit of this 3-D animated gif are highlighted with different colors. Current is displayed by green arrows...
This dictionary defines terms that are used in the semiconductor manufacturing industry. It is intended to foster a common language within the SEMATECH community and within the industry. Some terms are specific to...
Presented by the University of Cambridge's Engineering Department, this page contains an interactive semicondictor diode animation. Additionally, a quiz and short exam are attached to help users better understand the...
6.780 Semiconductor Manufacturing, a course through MIT's OpenCourseWare, covers statistical modeling and the control of semiconductor fabrication processes and plants. Topics covered include: design of experiments,...
This website includes a database archive of parameters and properties of a variety of semiconductor compounds. The site is intended to systematize parameters of semiconductor compounds and heterostructures based on them.
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