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This animation shows band populations as a function of temperature in an n-type semiconductor. Note that the Fermi-energy actual shifts position in the band gap and is not accurately depicted here. The video shows the...
White paper prepared by Dr. Mike Cooke surveys the coming changes and looks at how III-V quantum dots offer the prospect of fast non-volatile computer memory devices.
The Nano Science and Technology Institute (NSTI) is chartered with the promotion and integration of nano and other advanced technologies through education, technology and business development. NSTI accomplishes this...
Nanohub.org is a website brought to you by the Network for Computational Nanotechnology. The site presents resources on many nanotechnology and other technology related topics including algorithms, bio nano applications,...
This video from the Indian Institute of Technology, hosted by YouTube, contains a lecture which demonstrates ohmic contacts on semiconductors. The lecture includes slides with equations illustrating related concepts....
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