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MEMS sensors are in our cars, phones, PCs, cameras, and a variety of other applications but until now, they've never been attached to a guitar. The authors seek to answer the question: Can you use a MEMS accelerometer as...
This weekly online newsletter provides information for people interested in investing in microelectronics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and microsystems devices and industries. This site offers the top MEMS...
This web-based interactive tutorial, hosted by the University of California - Sacramento, is designed to engage students in learning the steps of mesh analysis, KVL equations, supermesh and Ohm's law. Creator, Jean...
Forget 9-volts, AAs, AAAs or D batteries: The energy for tomorrow's miniature electronic devices could come from tiny microbatteries about half the size of a human cell and built with viruses.Read how three MIT...
The topics of this course include: modeling of microelectronic devices, basic microelectronic circuit analysis and design, physical electronics of semiconductor junction and MOS devices, relation of electrical behavior...
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