This online book examines the evolution of the principle of relativity in its classical, special, and general incarnations. It includes both technical and historical perspectives of the topic. Conceptual and mathematical...
This site was created by two German physicists (Ute Kraus and Corvin Zahn) and it offers a "visual and intuitive approach to the theory of relativity." The site does not offer the basics dealing with the theory of...
This online text is an exhaustive description of the role of symmetry in the degeneracy of a single-particle bound state system in quantum mechanics. Both non-relativistic and relativistic examples are studied.
This web site, by Rob Salgado at the Syracuse University Department of Physics, contains a detailed introduction to relativity. It integrates textual explanations of relativity concepts with diagrams and animations to...
Through Einstein's Eyes is the online version of a multimedia project based around how things look at relativistic speeds. It is aimed at high school to early university level physics students. There are two sections....
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