This page provides step by step instructions on building a Tesla turbine from two old computer hard disk drives using basic hand tools and a pillar drill. No metal lathe or other expensive fabrication machinery is...
This lesson builds upon the previous one (Newton's Second Law) by introducing students to kinetic and potential energy. Topics include a brief description of these two forms of energy, a discussion of gravity as a form...
This site contains Green Power information from the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse of the U.S. Department of Energy. The Green Power Network exists to provide "news and information on green power...
This item, created by Tom Henderson, is is a five-part tutorial on energy basics written for high school students. The author approaches work and energy as a means to analyze the motion of objects. Detailed...
Created by Tom Henderson of Physics Classroom.com, this page is an animated tutorial featuring a simple pendulum attached to a pivot point by a string. The pendulum motion is accompanied by corresponding energy bar...
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