The Multimedia Physics Studios consists of a collection of GIF animations and accompanying explanations of major physics concepts. The animations cover common physics principles discussed in a first-year high school...
This lesson introduces students to Sir Isaac Newton's Second Law of Motion. Topics include the two ways to study the dynamics of a system in which there is motion, a brief description of Newton's work in studying and...
This webpage contains a simulation that shows simultaneous graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration of a moving object. A simulated man can be moved by the user, or the motion can be programmed by setting the...
On this interactive site, visitors with a penchant for velocity-time graphs, kinematics, and the world of motion will be well-served. Created as part of "The Physics Classroom" portfolio of educational materials, this...
This page offers a clear explanation of the equations that can be used to describe the one-dimensional, constant acceleration motion of an object in terms of its three kinematic variables: velocity, displacement, and...
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