All About Circuits is a website that “provides a series of online textbooks covering electricity and electronics.” Written by Tony R. Kuphaldt, the textbooks available here are wonderful resources for students, teachers,...
All About Circuits is a website that “provides a series of online textbooks covering electricity and electronics.” Written by Tony R. Kuphaldt, the textbooks available here are wonderful resources for students,...
Developed as a part of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology TEAL/Studio Physics Project, the Physics 8.02 Web site contains visualizations, course notes, and resources for MIT's Electricity and Magnetism course. ...
Created by David P. Stern, this is a short non-mathematical description of the analogy between fluid flow in pipes and electricity flow in circuits, comparing batteries to pumps, current to flow rate (liters-per-second)...
Depending on its energy sources, the way a region produces and consumes electricity can have a profound impact on the environment. This is particularly true for carbon-intensive electricity sources such as coal and oil,...
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