This applet, created by Ivo Dinov of the University of California at Berkeley, introduces the concept of confidence intervals. Select an alpha level, sample size, and the number of experiments, and click "Play." For...
This resource assists the user in reading, constructing, and understanding confidence intervals. Created and published by Gerard E. Dallal, this introductory text aims to get students to read, understand, and write...
This site, authored by David M. Lane of HyperStat Online, explains the relationship between hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. Because of the immense similarities between the two procedures many find them to be...
Validation of psychological tests has not yet been adequately conceptualized, as the APA Committee on Psychological Tests learned when it undertook (1950-54) to specify what qualities should be investigated before a test...
The Real World Learning Objects Library presents a mathematical problem couched in real-life examples for this examination of prisons within a mathematic context. Students consider the business model of a prison, status...
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