This page, created by Ivo Dinov of the University of California, Berkeley, helps readers know which statistical tests are appropriate for the different types of data. Two charts display the information. A discussion of...
This text based website provides an explanation of some coincidences that are often discussed. It gives an explanation of the birthday problem along with a graphic display of the probability of birthday matches vs. the...
This applet is a probabilistic study of picking prizes from an unlimited supply of cereal boxes. The applet helps to answer how many boxes of cereal need to be purchased to have a 50/50 chance of getting all the prizes....
This glossary, created by M. Tevfik Dorka of the University of Newcastle, gives definitions for numerous statistical terms, concepts, methods, and rules. The list is extremely comprehensive. The author does more than...
This site gives an explanation, a definition of, and an example using comparison of two means. Topics include confidence intervals and significance tests, z and t statistics, and pooled t procedures. Overall, this is a...
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